Reference Library
This section contains a number of useful files and links for your reference, many of which have been referenced elsewhere on our website.
Files for Download (or online perusal)
Public Service Honor Roll (PowerPoint) By N6HD
Personal Emergency Preparation (PowerPoint) By N6VI
Power Budgeting (Excel worksheet) By N6VI
Tactical Callsigns (Word) By N6VI
Hambands (pdf) Courtesy KA6GSE
Phonetic Alphabet (pdf) Courtesy NY2B
Review of Basic Net Ops (Word) from ARRL Emcomm course
- ARES VHF/UHF Net Control Script (Word)
- ARES HF Net Control Script (Word)
- Tips for Net Control (Word)
- ARES Public Service Communications Manual (pdf)
- ARES Manual (pdf)
- ARES Radiogram (pdf)
- ICS 213 Message Form (pdf)
- Medical and Disaster Terms/Abbreviations (Word) Courtesy WA9STI
ARES Deployment forms
- Event log (pdf)
- Event log instructions (txt)
- Message log (pdf)
- Message log instructions (txt)
- ARES identification sign (pdf)
- Operation Setup and Guidelines (Word) Courtesy WA9STI
- Informational Handout for Visitors (Word) Courtesy WA9STI
- Hospital Assessment Form (pdf) Courtesy WA9STI
Traffic Handling
ARRL’s Introduction to the National Traffic Service (PowerPoint)
Traffic Handling (PowerPoint) By N6VI
ARRL Radiogram Manual (pdf)
Sending Messages on Voice (pdf)
VHF/UHF Net Control Script (pdf)
N6VI’s Coax Connector Installation (PowerPoint)
NA6MA’s Honda EU 2000 Generator Maintenance (Word)
KF6YHE’s 2 Meter and 440 PVC Antennas (Excel) XFull materials list and measured drawings for construction.
Usage Permission
Permission to use the above files and presentations is granted provided that: 1) they are left intact and unmodified; 2) proper credit to ARESLAX is given; and 3) no charge or compensation is involved in using the presentations.
Note that many of the documents are an adjunct to live presentations which make heavy use of instructor commentary. The documents alone do not contain all the information provided in the live presentations.
FCC Amateur Radio Service page
PAPA repeater system
DARN repeater system
Callsign lookup
NVIS Map for North America
Powerpole Connector Installation
Go Kits’s list
Portable station project
Comprehensive list (pdf file)